Personal Website V2


gatsby js

My old website

Back in 2018 I created a personal website using Jekyll and a theme called minimal mistakes. It served its purpose for a while, but needed a refresh for 2022.

Down below, you can see what it looked like.

The home screen of my personal website


I decided to go with a minimal style for my website, the UI has a lot of interactions that feature a thick black round border around it. Down below, you can see the general style I applied for my interactions.

The style for my new website

Home Screen

The first thing you see on the home page is a hero message which tells you who I am in a few words.

The home screen of my personal website

Featured projects section

One of the main reasons for me to have a website is so that I can share hobby projects that I work on.

The featured projects section of my personal website

About section

In this section, you can see general information about my interest, as well as technologies and tools that are on my skill set.

The about section of my personal website

Resume section

Section where you can find links to my professional related documents and profiles.

The resume section of my personal website

Contact section

A simple and down to the point contact form.

The contact section of my personal website

Project page

Each project that I show on my website has a special page where you can find more pictures and information about it.

A project page of my personal website